HOME > Reference > Network Play > Network Play start up
   1. About BOOMING
   2. Registration
   3. Uninstall
   4. Starting The Game
   5. Initial Settings
   6. Establish Company
   7. Game Progression
   8. General Strategy
   9. Reference
   10. Network Play
[A] Summary
[B] Network Play Start Up
[C] Network Window
[D] Loss Connection
  11. Support
10. Network Play - [B] Network Play start up

After connecting to the internet and beginning network play, from the BOOMING home page "BOOMING WORLD", "Player Waiting Room" you can find people to play against.

→Play A New Game.
→Continuing Network Play From Previous Game

Play A New Game
When playing against other players one person is the server while the rest are the clients.

1. Select "NEW GAME" when the game begins.
The game settings window appears.

Select "Network Play (Server)" to become the server.
Select "Network Play (Client)" to become the client.

Network Play (Server)
Conducting your network game through your terminal as a server.

2. Game setting.

IP Address Input your computer's IP address.

Set up network play through an internet connection through BOOMING home page( "Player Waiting Room", "IP address".

Players Enter number of players participating in network play.

Observer Non game participating observers.

Observers Enter maximum non game participating observers.
Year Enter game length in years.

3. User settings.

4. Waiting for other players.

Network window displays the number of players and observers.

Players : A/B(C) Observers : D/E(F)
A Participating game players
B Maximum possible game players
C Scheduled participating game players
D Game observers
E Maximum possible game observers
F Scheduled game observers

5. Clicking on "START" begins network play.

Network Play (Client)
Network play by connecting to the server as a Client.

2. Game settings.

IP Address Enter IP address to connect to remote server.
Ask the player server for the IP address.

Set up network play through an internet connection through BOOMING home page( "Player Waiting Room", "IP address".

Observer Non game participating observers.

3. User settings.

4. Waiting to begin the game.

Password displayed in the Network Window is necessary to continue play. so be sure to write it down and keep it safe.

Continuing Network Play From Previous Game
Continue network play by downloading the saved game data file from the server.

Continuing Network Play (Server)
1. Start BOOMING and select "LOAD DATA" from the beginning start screen.

2. Open the saved previous network play data file.

* During network play each month is automatically saved to the file named "BACKUP.HBD" created when BOOMING was installed.
Open this file when network play is suddenly interrupted.

3. Enter the IP address to the computer you want to connect to in the Network Settings window.
Enter your computer's IP address.

4. Waiting for other players to join.

5. Click on the "START" button to send data to resume network play.

Continuing Network Play (Client)
1. Start BOOMING and select "NEW GAME" from the first screen.

2. Select "Continue network play (Client)" to set up.

IP Address Enter the IP address to the connecting server.
Ask the player server for the IP address.

* IP address can change when connecting to the internet and resuming previous network play.

From the BOOMING home page ( go to the "Player waiting room" page to access "Display IP Address".

Password Enter password from previous network play.

3. Wait for game to begin.
Downloading data to the server make take time depending on your connection and environment.